HugeGraph 1.3.0 Release Notes
- 优先在
软件中使用 Java 11, 此次是这些模块最后一次主版本兼容 Java 8 了。(computer 则仅支持 Java11) - 另外相比 Java11, 使用 Java8 会失去一些安全性的保障,我们推荐生产或对外网暴露访问的环境使用 Java11 并开启 Auth 权限认证
1.3.0 是最后兼容 Java 8 的版本,在下一个 1.5.0 版本发布 – PD/Store 合入主分支时就会全面使用 Java 11 (除client
PS: 未来 HugeGraph 组件的版本会朝着 Java 11 -> Java 17 -> Java 21
在此次版本中我们修复了一些 SEC 相关的问题,如果是线上或者对外服务请升级到最新版本 + 开启权限认证
API Changes
- feat(api): optimize adjacent-edges query (#2408)
Feature Changes
- feat: support docker use the auth when starting (#2403)
- feat: added the OpenTelemetry trace support (#2477)
Bug Fix
- fix(core): task restore interrupt problem on restart server (#2401)
- fix(server): reinitialize the progress to set up graph auth friendly (#2411)
- fix(chore): remove zgc in dockerfile for ARM env (#2421)
- fix(server): make CacheManager constructor private to satisfy the singleton pattern (#2432)
- fix(server): unify the license headers (#2438)
- fix: format and clean code in dist and example modules (#2441)
- fix: format and clean code in core module (#2440)
- fix: format and clean code in modules (#2439)
- fix(server): clean up the code (#2456)
- fix(server): remove extra blank lines (#2459)
- fix(server): add tip for gremlin api NPE with an empty query (#2467)
- fix(server): fix the metric name when promthus collects hugegraph metric, see issue (#2462)
- fix(server):
error when execute gremlin example (#2473) - fix(auth): enhance the URL check (#2422)
Option Changes
- refact(server): enhance the storage path in RocksDB & clean code (#2491)
Other Changes
- chore: add a license link (#2398)
- doc: enhance NOTICE info to keep it clear (#2409)
- chore(server): update swagger info for default server profile (#2423)
- fix(server): unify license header for protobuf file (#2448)
- chore: improve license header checker confs and pre-check header when validating (#2445)
- chore: unify to call SchemaLabel.getLabelId() (#2458)
- chore: refine the hg-style.xml specification (#2457)
- chore: Add a newline formatting configuration and a comment for warning (#2464)
- chore(server): clear context after req done (#2470)
API Changes
Feature Changes
- fix(loader): update shade plugin for spark loader (#566)
- fix(hubble): yarn install timeout in arm64 (#583)
- fix(loader): support file name with prefix for hdfs source (#571)
- feat(hubble): warp the exception info in HugeClientUtil (#589)
Bug Fix
- fix: concurrency issue causing file overwrite due to identical filenames (#572)
Option Changes
- feat(client): support user defined OKHTTPClient configs (#590)
Other Changes
- doc: update copyright date(year) in NOTICE (#567)
- chore(deps): bump ip from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9 in /hugegraph-hubble/hubble-fe (#580)
- refactor(hubble): enhance maven front plugin (#568)
- chore(deps): bump es5-ext from 0.10.53 to 0.10.63 in /hugegraph-hubble/hubble-fe (#582)
- chore(hubble): Enhance code style in hubble (#592)
- chore: upgrade version to 1.3.0 (#596)
- chore(ci): update profile commit id for 1.3 (#597)
Feature Changes
- feat: support user defined RestClientConfig/HTTPClient params (#140)
Bug Fix
Other Changes
- chore: disable clean flatten for deploy (#141)
Release Details
这是 hugegraph-ai 的第一个发布版本,包含了多种特性,其中包括初始化的 Python 客户端、通过 LLM 构建知识图谱的能力, 以及基于 HugeGraph 的 RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)集成。此外,该版本还在 python 客户端方面增加了重要的功能, 如变量 API、认证(auth)、度量(metric)、遍历器(traverser)和任务 API,以及使用 Gradio 创建交互式和可视化的演示。
除了这些新功能外,该版本还解决了多个错误和问题,确保了更加稳定和无误的用户体验。维护任务,如依赖更新、项目结构改进以及基本持续集成(CI)的添加, 进一步增强了项目的健壮性和开发工作流程。
这个版本的发布凝聚了 HugeGraph 社区的协作努力,感谢各位贡献者的付出。
Feature Changes
- feat: initialize hugegraph python client (#5)
- feat(llm): knowledge graph construction by llm (#7)
- feat: initialize rag based on HugeGraph (#20)
- feat(client): add variables api and test (#24)
- feat: add llm wenxinyiyan & config util & spo_triple_extract (#27)
- feat: add auth&metric&traverser&task api and ut (#28)
- feat: refactor construct knowledge graph task (#29)
- feat: Introduce gradio for creating interactive and visual demo (#30)
Bug Fix
- fix: invalid GitHub label (#3)
- fix: import error (#13)
- fix: function getEdgeByPage(): the generated query url does not include the parameter page (#15)
- fix: issue template (#23)
- fix: base-ref/head-ref missed in dependency-check-ci on branch push (#25)
Other Changes
- chore: add asf.yaml and ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#1)
- Bump urllib3 from 2.0.3 to 2.0.7 in /hugegraph-python (#8)
- chore: create .gitignore file for py (#9)
- refact: improve project structure & add some basic CI (#17)
- chore: Update LICENSE and NOTICE (#31)
- chore: add release scripts (#33)
- chore: change file chmod 755 (#34)
Please check the release details/contributor in each repository:
Last modified November 13, 2024: doc: update 1.5.0 release notes (#380) (46aadec6)