algorithm.message_class | | The class of message passed when compute vertex. |
algorithm.params_class | | The class used to transfer algorithms’ parameters before algorithm been run. |
algorithm.result_class | | The class of vertex’s value, the instance is used to store computation result for the vertex. |
allocator.max_vertices_per_thread | 10000 | Maximum number of vertices per thread processed in each memory allocator |
bsp.etcd_endpoints | http://localhost:2379 | The end points to access etcd. |
bsp.log_interval | 30000 | The log interval(in ms) to print the log while waiting bsp event. |
bsp.max_super_step | 10 | The max super step of the algorithm. |
bsp.register_timeout | 300000 | The max timeout to wait for master and works to register. |
bsp.wait_master_timeout | 86400000 | The max timeout(in ms) to wait for master bsp event. |
bsp.wait_workers_timeout | 86400000 | The max timeout to wait for workers bsp event. |
hgkv.max_data_block_size | 65536 | The max byte size of hgkv-file data block. |
hgkv.max_file_size | 2147483648 | The max number of bytes in each hgkv-file. |
hgkv.max_merge_files | 10 | The max number of files to merge at one time. |
hgkv.temp_file_dir | /tmp/hgkv | This folder is used to store temporary files, temporary files will be generated during the file merging process. | | hugegraph | The graph name to load data and write results back. |
hugegraph.url | | The hugegraph url to load data and write results back. |
input.edge_direction | OUT | The data of the edge in which direction is loaded, when the value is BOTH, the edges in both OUT and IN direction will be loaded. |
input.edge_freq | MULTIPLE | The frequency of edges can exist between a pair of vertices, allowed values: [SINGLE, SINGLE_PER_LABEL, MULTIPLE]. SINGLE means that only one edge can exist between a pair of vertices, use sourceId + targetId to identify it; SINGLE_PER_LABEL means that each edge label can exist one edge between a pair of vertices, use sourceId + edgelabel + targetId to identify it; MULTIPLE means that many edge can exist between a pair of vertices, use sourceId + edgelabel + sortValues + targetId to identify it. |
input.filter_class | | The class to create input-filter object, input-filter is used to Filter vertex edges according to user needs. |
input.loader_schema_path | | The schema path of loader input, only takes effect when the input.source_type=loader is enabled |
input.loader_struct_path | | The struct path of loader input, only takes effect when the input.source_type=loader is enabled |
input.max_edges_in_one_vertex | 200 | The maximum number of adjacent edges allowed to be attached to a vertex, the adjacent edges will be stored and transferred together as a batch unit. |
input.source_type | hugegraph-server | The source type to load input data, allowed values: [‘hugegraph-server’, ‘hugegraph-loader’], the ‘hugegraph-loader’ means use hugegraph-loader load data from HDFS or file, if use ‘hugegraph-loader’ load data then please config ‘input.loader_struct_path’ and ‘input.loader_schema_path’. |
input.split_fetch_timeout | 300 | The timeout in seconds to fetch input splits |
input.split_max_splits | 10000000 | The maximum number of input splits |
input.split_page_size | 500 | The page size for streamed load input split data |
input.split_size | 1048576 | The input split size in bytes | | local_0001 | The job id on Yarn cluster or K8s cluster. |
job.partitions_count | 1 | The partitions count for computing one graph algorithm job. |
job.partitions_thread_nums | 4 | The number of threads for partition parallel compute. |
job.workers_count | 1 | The workers count for computing one graph algorithm job. |
master.computation_class | | Master-computation is computation that can determine whether to continue next superstep. It runs at the end of each superstep on master. |
output.batch_size | 500 | The batch size of output |
output.batch_threads | 1 | The threads number used to batch output |
output.hdfs_core_site_path | | The hdfs core site path. |
output.hdfs_delimiter | , | The delimiter of hdfs output. |
output.hdfs_kerberos_enable | false | Is Kerberos authentication enabled for Hdfs. |
output.hdfs_kerberos_keytab | | The Hdfs’s key tab file for kerberos authentication. |
output.hdfs_kerberos_principal | | The Hdfs’s principal for kerberos authentication. |
output.hdfs_krb5_conf | /etc/krb5.conf | Kerberos configuration file. |
output.hdfs_merge_partitions | true | Whether merge output files of multiple partitions. |
output.hdfs_path_prefix | /hugegraph-computer/results | The directory of hdfs output result. |
output.hdfs_replication | 3 | The replication number of hdfs. |
output.hdfs_site_path | | The hdfs site path. |
output.hdfs_url | hdfs:// | The hdfs url of output. |
output.hdfs_user | hadoop | The hdfs user of output. |
output.output_class | | The class to output the computation result of each vertex. Be called after iteration computation. |
output.result_name | value | The value is assigned dynamically by #name() of instance created by WORKER_COMPUTATION_CLASS. |
output.result_write_type | OLAP_COMMON | The result write-type to output to hugegraph, allowed values are: [OLAP_COMMON, OLAP_SECONDARY, OLAP_RANGE]. |
output.retry_interval | 10 | The retry interval when output failed |
output.retry_times | 3 | The retry times when output failed |
output.single_threads | 1 | The threads number used to single output |
output.thread_pool_shutdown_timeout | 60 | The timeout seconds of output threads pool shutdown |
output.with_adjacent_edges | false | Output the adjacent edges of the vertex or not |
output.with_edge_properties | false | Output the properties of the edge or not |
output.with_vertex_properties | false | Output the properties of the vertex or not |
sort.thread_nums | 4 | The number of threads performing internal sorting. |
transport.client_connect_timeout | 3000 | The timeout(in ms) of client connect to server. |
transport.client_threads | 4 | The number of transport threads for client. |
transport.close_timeout | 10000 | The timeout(in ms) of close server or close client. |
transport.finish_session_timeout | 0 | The timeout(in ms) to finish session, 0 means using (transport.sync_request_timeout * transport.max_pending_requests). |
transport.heartbeat_interval | 20000 | The minimum interval(in ms) between heartbeats on client side. |
transport.io_mode | AUTO | The network IO Mode, either ‘NIO’, ‘EPOLL’, ‘AUTO’, the ‘AUTO’ means selecting the property mode automatically. |
transport.max_pending_requests | 8 | The max number of client unreceived ack, it will trigger the sending unavailable if the number of unreceived ack >= max_pending_requests. |
transport.max_syn_backlog | 511 | The capacity of SYN queue on server side, 0 means using system default value. |
transport.max_timeout_heartbeat_count | 120 | The maximum times of timeout heartbeat on client side, if the number of timeouts waiting for heartbeat response continuously > max_heartbeat_timeouts the channel will be closed from client side. |
transport.min_ack_interval | 200 | The minimum interval(in ms) of server reply ack. |
transport.min_pending_requests | 6 | The minimum number of client unreceived ack, it will trigger the sending available if the number of unreceived ack < min_pending_requests. |
transport.network_retries | 3 | The number of retry attempts for network communication,if network unstable. |
transport.provider_class | | The transport provider, currently only supports Netty. |
transport.receive_buffer_size | 0 | The size of socket receive-buffer in bytes, 0 means using system default value. |
transport.recv_file_mode | true | Whether enable receive buffer-file mode, it will receive buffer write file from socket by zero-copy if enable. |
transport.send_buffer_size | 0 | The size of socket send-buffer in bytes, 0 means using system default value. |
transport.server_host | | The server hostname or ip to listen on to transfer data. |
transport.server_idle_timeout | 360000 | The max timeout(in ms) of server idle. |
transport.server_port | 0 | The server port to listen on to transfer data. The system will assign a random port if it’s set to 0. |
transport.server_threads | 4 | The number of transport threads for server. |
transport.sync_request_timeout | 10000 | The timeout(in ms) to wait response after sending sync-request. |
transport.tcp_keep_alive | true | Whether enable TCP keep-alive. |
transport.transport_epoll_lt | false | Whether enable EPOLL level-trigger. |
transport.write_buffer_high_mark | 67108864 | The high water mark for write buffer in bytes, it will trigger the sending unavailable if the number of queued bytes > write_buffer_high_mark. |
transport.write_buffer_low_mark | 33554432 | The low water mark for write buffer in bytes, it will trigger the sending available if the number of queued bytes <$$Lambda$97/0x00000008001c8440@776a6d9b |
transport.write_socket_timeout | 3000 | The timeout(in ms) to write data to socket buffer. |
valuefile.max_segment_size | 1073741824 | The max number of bytes in each segment of value-file. |
worker.combiner_class | | Combiner can combine messages into one value for a vertex, for example page-rank algorithm can combine messages of a vertex to a sum value. |
worker.computation_class | | The class to create worker-computation object, worker-computation is used to compute each vertex in each superstep. |
worker.data_dirs | [jobs] | The directories separated by ‘,’ that received vertices and messages can persist into. |
worker.edge_properties_combiner_class | | The combiner can combine several properties of the same edge into one properties at inputstep. |
worker.partitioner | | The partitioner that decides which partition a vertex should be in, and which worker a partition should be in. |
worker.received_buffers_bytes_limit | 104857600 | The limit bytes of buffers of received data, the total size of all buffers can’t excess this limit. If received buffers reach this limit, they will be merged into a file. |
worker.vertex_properties_combiner_class | | The combiner can combine several properties of the same vertex into one properties at inputstep. |
worker.wait_finish_messages_timeout | 86400000 | The max timeout(in ms) message-handler wait for finish-message of all workers. |
worker.wait_sort_timeout | 600000 | The max timeout(in ms) message-handler wait for sort-thread to sort one batch of buffers. |
worker.write_buffer_capacity | 52428800 | The initial size of write buffer that used to store vertex or message. |
worker.write_buffer_threshold | 52428800 | The threshold of write buffer, exceeding it will trigger sorting, the write buffer is used to store vertex or message. |